Trusted Throughout Australia Brian Tucker Audit An arts and not-for-profit focused, audit only firm part of the AMW Audit Group. Contact Us

Market leaders in auditing Music & Arts related entities with over forty years of industry experience. Audit portfolio of 100+ clients across Australia.

Specialization in Indigenous & Non-Indigenous Music & Arts related "Not For Profit" entity audits.

Emphasis on staff training & retention ensuring quality audits at reasonable prices.


Reliable & Independent Audit Services

At Brian Tucker Audit, we assert that our independent external audit can be relied upon to satisfy the statutory obligations of your organisation. Further, our audit can be relied upon to contribute to your organisation’s overall internal control structure. 

We consider our role to include support and assistance in maintenance, enhancement and continuous improvement of internal controls and statutory compliance. Our audit will be conducted in the spirit of support and assistance.

  • Visual and performing arts practitioners
  • Writers, editors and publishers
  • Not-for-profit arts organizations, Aboriginal Art Centres, and others
  • Musicians, managers, studios and music venues
  • Galleries and art dealers
  • Theatre and dance companies


A progressive, successful audit practice, providing clients with quality, pro-active advice and professional services, contributing to the prosperity, well-being and success of clients, staff and partners.

We currently work Australia-wide, performing over 100 arts-related, not-for-profit audits each year and we provide a professional service at competitive rates.

Call: 1300 284 330     |     Email Us:
serving since 1980

An Australia Wide Audit Firm

Brian Tucker Audit has audited clients all over Australia from Esperance to Kununurra, Adelaide to Darwin and Melbourne to Cairns. In addition to providing statutory audit services, Brain Tucker Audit has undertaken numerous reviews of the appropriateness and effectiveness of the financial management systems and procedures of our audit clients and prepares both general purpose and special purpose financial statements. Brian Tucker Audit Team members also have extensive experience across remote communities and Local Government entities in WA advising on Internal audit, governance, risk and compliance practices.

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